Thursday, September 6, 2007

Daily "E"genda--9/6/07

Hey All:

Make sure that you fill out the form for a parking pass if you drive here.
See Kim Jones in the Health Office. It's at no cost to you!
Keep that ride in Lot B...Or there will "B" expensive consequences.

*Get your folks to sign that Student/Parent agreement. Due Tomorrow!
*Art fee due Friday 9/14. Let me know if there is a question/concern over the fee.

What Did We Do Today?
*Added another flavor to the Paperwork Rainbow
(STEP 07-08 Rules, Internet Policy, Student Rights & Responsibilities, Barsch Scale Study Tips)
*Started Portfolio Assignment:
Personality Collage: Bring in Photos, etc to finish it off!
Name Design: In Photoshop...Should be fun!

(There have been some computer problems in the lab...We may have to roll into what is planned for next week if the issue persists.)

What's On Next Week?
*Introductory Readings, Inspiration File, Creative Designs