Friday, September 21, 2007

Daily "E"Genda--9/21/07

Day of X-Treem Fun!

Today we learned a bit about COMPOSITION and how your work can be arranged to evoke EMOTION in the viewer. We PROJECT ourselves into whatever we look at...Sooo narcissistic! (That means we think everything is about or for us!)

Make sure to get the Composition notes if you were gone--You'll need them for the test. (Tentatively scheduled on Friday 9/28)

After the notes, we started on a MEDIA EXPLORATION ASSIGNMENT--
Get the sheet if you were gone.

Your INSPIRATION FILE is due Monday 9/24. Get items from outside, the museum,
Ax-Man and the Art Technology room if you don't have 'em. You will be presenting your Top Five items to the class and saying why they inspire you.

Start thinking about what concepts you are going to illustrate for for the two Creative Designs you think of on your own. (I assign 3 + You develop 2 = Five 5x5 Creative Designs!)

Have a great weekend!