Thursday, September 12, 2013


SELECTION TOOLS LEARNING TARGET: I can use the selection tools in Photoshop to create a composition.

1. Set up a Photoshop document (FILE > NEW) measuring 8.5 x 11 @ 150 dpi.

2. Create a composition, using at least six different images, where you experiment with a variety of selection tools. The images you use may come from the Internet (make sure the images are at least 1000 x 1000 pixels), or from your own sources. You may also use the Photo Booth application to take a picture of yourself.

3. You must use at least four of the following types of selections:
Rectangular or Elliptical Marquee
Regular, Magnetic or Polygonal Lasso
Magic Wand or Quick Selector
Select via Color Range
Altered Selection via adding to or subtracting from it
Feathered Selection
Crop tool
4. Print your design.

5. Write where each type of selection/masking tool you used can be seen on the back of the printout and turn it in.

MASKING TOOLS LEARNING TARGET: I can use the masking tools in Photoshop to enhance my selections.

1. Set up a Photoshop document (FILE > NEW) measuring 8.5 x 11 @ 150 dpi.

2. Create a composition, using at least six different images, where you experiment with a variety of masking tools. The images you use may come from the Internet (make sure the images are at least 1000 x 1000 pixels), or from your own sources. You may also use the Photo Booth application to take a picture of yourself.

3. You must use at least three of the following masking tools:
Clipping Mask
Layer Mask
Quick Mask
Vignette Effect

4. Print your design.

5. Write where each type of selection/masking tool you used can be seen on the back of the printout and turn it in.