Thursday, May 27, 2010


1. It is required that you create DVD packaging AND a movie poster for the film.
2. Once your movie poster is completed, save as a PDF with the following naming convention: LASTNAME_MathPoster.PDF
3. Put a copy of your PDF into the MATHTACULAR POSTERS folder in the Art Tech 1 dropbox.
4. To print your DVD packaging: Go to File > Print in the InDesign menu. Click on Setup in the menu on the left hand side of the print window. Change the paper size from Letter to LEGAL in the Paper Size menu. LET EVERYBODY KNOW THAT YOU ARE PRINTING, AND TO NOT SEND OTHER REQUESTS TO THE PRINTER UNTIL YOU ARE DONE. Feed a sheet of legal size cardstock (on the windowsill) into the top tray of the printer. (not the drawer, but the thing that looks like a trapdoor above the drawer. DO NOT SHUT THE TRAY ONCE YOU FEED THE PAPER INTO THE TRAY.
5. Cut out your DVD cover.
6. Use a paper scorer to crease the lines between the front, back and spine of the cover. Courtney can show you how if needed.
7. Insert into an old DVD case from home.
8. Do write-up:
• Name two ways your DVD packaging and poster match the video content. How can someone see that all 3 pieces go together?

• How does your DVD packaging or poster explain the math concept in the video? Based off of what is written on your poster or DVD package, do you think you could solve a problem using that math concept.

• What assets of your design were prepared in Illustrator, and where can they be seen?

• Name all the typefaces used in your design, and which category they fall into (serif, sans serif, decorative, script).

• Name something you liked about this project, something you disliked, and something that you learned.