Friday, April 9, 2010

Yearbook Revision Standards

1. Use a blank page to start.
2. Apply the 'A10 L' or 'A10 R' layout to the page.
3. Place the relevant Course Header image in the top photo place holder. See me if you are unsure what to place.
4. Copy and Paste your Course Title and Description into the text space next to the Course Header photo.
5. Copy and Paste your photos and captions from existing layout into the new one.
6. Adjust photo size/caption placement if necessary.
7. Select all objects and align them to the grid.
8. Begin selecting the photos/captions and realign them to each other.
9. Verify the font standards have been followed.

1. Use AHJ Paddington font, size 24 for headers.
2. Use AHJ Eddie, size 11, for course descriptions.
3. Use AHJ Helvetica, size 10, for captions.

When finished revising layouts:

1. Identify at least one way the layouts show an improvement in ALIGNMENT, according to the reading in Chapter 5 from Basics of Design.
2. Identify at least one way the layouts show an improvement in REPETITION, according to the reading in Chapter 6 from Basics of Design.
3. Identify at least one way the layouts show an improvement in FLOW, according to the reading in Chapter 7 from Basics of Design.