Sunday, September 12, 2010

STEP Plus Arts: Production Plan Criteria
Treatment, Script, Storyboard, Location Summary, Prop/Costume List

1. TREATMENT: 5 Points
A 1-2 paragraph summary of your production.
It should include: movie genre (theme), title, plot synopsis, # of characters, cast list, etc.
Content of film must be school appropriate.

2. SCRIPT: 20 Points
Use the ‘SCREENPLAY’ template in Pages, which can be found in the ‘CREATIVE’ templates.
Follow the template formula.
State whether it is an INT (interior) or EXT (exterior) shot.
Describe the shot.
Format the dialogue the way the template indicates.

Keep in mind that your film should be no longer than 5 minutes or so.
1 page of dialogue = approximately 1 minute of film

3. STORYBOARD: 20 Points
Use the ‘STORYBOARD’ template in Pages, which can be found in the ‘CREATIVE’ templates.
Follow the template formula. Refer to the sample provided.

Each panel should include:
Thumbnail sketches of scenes
Shot descriptions (use the Camera Techniques and Descriptions worksheet as a reference) Dialogue
Special effects, etc.

Attach a summary of the locations you plan to film on the STEP campus.
Some areas are off-limits:
Anoka Technical College interior and exterior
STEP Elevator
Anything involving sitting on/jumping over the lockers
Stay away from the train tracks. Heavy rail traffic.
Anything involving leaving the STEP building or grounds during school hours.
Anything that would cause a major disruption to other classes.

5. Prop/Costume List: 5 Points
Attach a list of the props and costumes you will need for your film.
You must provide all items.

TOTAL: /55 Points