Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Student Print Day Poster

You have until the end of day Monday 4/7 to complete your Student Print Day poster.

It must include the theme "Print in Minnesota. It's Part of US."
It also must include the Printing Industry of Minnesota and Make an Impression logos.
(Student on STEP Novell (G://)>Shared>Art Technology>Poster Contest)

Make sure to use what we learned in the +/- problem when manipulating your images.
1. Use the Pen Tool to create Paths around your desired object.
2. Load the Path as a Selection...(Click on the 'dotty circle' at the bottom of the paths palette)
3. Go to Layer>Layer Mask>Hide or Reveal Selection. It looks like the rest of the image is gone but it is really just hiding! This is a much better solution to removing pixels from an image, as you maintain the original pic just in case you need it!