Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Desaturate and Recolor Sampler

1. Use the van pix on the Shared Art Tech folder. stepstushare > Art Technology > Art tech 1 > DESATURATE & RECOLOR.

2. Place the van in a new environment.

3. Use selection tools to isolate areas for re-coloring. Pick at least 5 things to be recolored in the picture--either the van or the background.

4. Save selections in the Paths panel, by clicking on the 'handlebar circle' at the bottom of the panel.

5. Desaturate and recolor the items. REALLY experiment with the opacity and blend mode of brushes and layers.

6. Include at least one pattern or gradient fill layer.

7. On the back of your paper, list which items were recolored, and which tools you used to achieve the effect.