Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Logo/Identity Write Up

Answer the following questions, in the format of a paragraph.
Discuss at least three Design Components/Grid Structures in your response.
Use the Spell and Grammar check functions. Turn in the matted designs, write-up and rubric together.

•What is your logo and identity system supposed to represent?

•How can the viewer see what you are trying to represent in your design?

•Name the Illustrator techniques applied to your logo, and where they can be seen in your design.
(Type on a Path, Area Type Tool, Vertical Type Tool, Gradient, Copy/Paste in Back. Transform Tool: Rotate, Reflect, Shear. Offset or Compound Paths. Outline stroke. Pathfinder. Clipping Mask..)

• How does the logo/identity system stay unified across the letterhead, envelope and business card? (In other words, how can people tell all the pieces go together?) Name at least one specific design component OR grid structure used to make the change.

•How does the logo/identity system change across the letterhead, envelope and business card? (In other words, what makes each part unique?) Name at least one specific element/principle of design OR grid structure used to make the change.

Grid Structures to Discuss:
Directional Line
Line Weight—(Heavy/Thick/Thin/Tapered, etc)
Geometric Shapes (Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, etc)
Asymmetrical/Symmetrical/Radial Balance
Contrast/Positive-Negative Space

Elements and Principles of Design to Discuss:
The Elements of Design! (Line, Shape, Form, Color, Texture, Value, Space)
The Principles of Design! (Balance, Contrast, Rhythm, Pattern, Unity/Variety, Scale, Emphasis)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Business Cards InDesign Layout:
1. Save your Business Card Illustrator file as a PDF.
2. Create a Portrait oriented Letter sized document in InDesign, with .25 inch margins (1p6 margins)
3. Create guides at the following locations:
X Axis (Vertical) Guides-- 0.5, 4, 4.5, 8
Y Axis (Horizontal) Guides--0.5, 2.5, 3.0 5.0, 5.5, 7.5, 8.0, 10.
4. Create a black (or any other color) rectangle measuring 8.25 x 10.5 inches. Use the xy dialogue box to place the rectangle at 0.25 x/0.25 y
5. Label this layer "Guides" and lock it.
6. Create a second layer called "Cards"
7. Make a Rectangle Frame measuring 3.5 x 2 inches. Select the frame and place (File>Place) the PDF of your Business Card in the Rectangle Frame. You may have to use the Object>Fitting options to make it perfect. Duplicate by selecting, holding Alt and dragging a copy. Place one card at 0.5x/0.5y and one at 4.5x/0.5y
8. Select both and duplicate again. Use the xy dialogue box to place the rectangles at 0.5x/3.0y. Repeat twice, placing a set of rectangles at 0.5x/5.5y and at 0.5x/8.0y
9. Get a sheet of card stock from me and print!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Now that you have developed a CONCEPT BOARD to form a solid idea base for your logo, it is time to combine the ideas from that into some possible logos--these possible logos are called COMPS. You will develop a minimum of three COMPS in a single Illustrator document. The comps are due by the end of the period on Monday, November 8. You will use feedback from peer editing to refine your comps and develop the final logo.

Each comp must meet the following criteria:
1. Must represent a minimum of three items featured in your concept board: (Title, supporting adjectives, images, fonts or colors.)
2. Must clearly exhibit at least three of the following GRID STRUCTURES: Directional line, Geometric shapes, Asymmetrical/symmetrical/radial balance, contrast, emphasis, scale.
3. May be hand-drawn or rendered in Adobe Illustrator.
4. Must feature/or plan to include at least three of the following Illustrator tools/techniques: Type on a Path, Area Type Tool, Vertical Type Tool, Gradient, Copy/Paste in Back. Transform Tool: Rotate, Reflect, Shear. Offset or Compound Paths. Outline stroke. Pathfinder. Clipping Mask.

When you complete your three COMPS, you will then start the refining process.
Print your comps, then revisit the logoblog and allgrahicdesign websites.

A. Respond to the following questions:
1. Name one way your comps show the traits of an effective logo OR one way the comps strongly meet the assignment criteria on the logo rubric.
2. Name one way your comps can be revised to better follow the principles of an effective logo OR one way the comps do not meet the assignment criteria on the logo rubric. Also provide a suggestion for how to change the comps to fix the issue.

B. Then get 2 peers to review your comps and answer the same questions listed above.

C. What advice from your peers will you follow? Why?

D. What advice from your peers do you disagree with most? Why?

E. Which comp will you continue to refine into your final logo? Why?