MONDAY, 12/1
1. Finish and turn in your Connect the Dots project.
*Electronic Copy to the Connect the Dots folder in the StepStuDrop. Make sure your name is part of your file title to get full credit.
*Hard Copies to the Basket:
Original image, Grid with Details, and X/Y coordinates for solution. See the example on the board.
2. Chapter 3 in Adobe Illustrator REVEALED:
This chapter covers pen tool review and adds to your skill. It also talks about assembling illustrations--which will come in handy for our logo project.
A. Lessons span pages 3-2/3-35.
B. Make sure to get the following Vocabulary. Quiz on Friday 12/5!
Marquee, Corner Point, Average, Join, Smooth Points, Direction Lines, Direction Points, Attributes, Stroke, Caps, Joins, Dashed Stroke, Pseudo Stroke.
C. Also do the following skill reviews at the end of the chapter:
Montag: 3-52/3-53
Peppermill: 3-54
D. Print and turn in the following for Chapter 3 credit:
Simon McSnowball (3-18/3-35), Montag (3-52/3-53), Peppermill (3-54)