Thursday, October 25, 2007

Daily "E"Genda--10/26/07

Your Priorities Are As Follows:

First Priority is to finish the Positive and Negative Space Problem, mount the designs and do the writing. You must include at least three Design Components in each response.
(Refer students to cheat sheet on class website)

You should then finish their Group Gridding project, including the discussion questions. When finished, paper clip your group's worksheets and transparencies together and hand them in on the corner of my desk.

You should then begin the Individual Gridding Project. (Get the worksheet from Mr. Dorn.) Look at the last entry for links to good websites for searching logos. If you finish, turn in on the corner of my desk as well.

See ya Tuesday!
Have a Great Weekend!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

HoTT LinkKz--Gridding Project

Here are some great websites to search logos for your Gridding Project:
(Or do some searching of your own--logo archive, logo library, etc)

Design Components Cheat Sheet

Everything You Want to Include in Your Writing Assignments!
Make sure to mention at least one topic from the Pink Sheet or Elements & Principles Slide Show and at least two Elements and Principles of Design in each of your write-up questions for the Positive and Negative Space Assignment! (2 questions for 2 pictures = a total of 4 paragraphs!!!!)
Design Components Include:
  • Stuff From The Pink Sheet! (Frame Reference, Overlapping & Cropping of Forms, Touching of Forms, Creating an Illusion of Space, Contrast of Elements in Terms of Size/Direction/Space/Position, and the Interaction of Positive and Negative Space.
  • The Elements and Principles Slide Show! Refer to your notes for these items.
  • The Elements of Design! (Line, Shape, Form, Color, Texture, Value, Space)
  • The Principles of Design! (Balance, Contrast, Rhythm, Pattern, Unity/Variety, Scale, Emphasis)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Daily E Genda--10/23/07

Wrap Up Loose Ends!

  • Make sure to check your grades on A-H Connect--I should have the gradebook completely up to date by Friday.
  • If you are missing any large assignments--TURN THEM IN ASAP! You are losing credit for each day they are late.
  • I should have the tutorials photocopied before class begins on Thursday. Be sure to make these up if you have missed one.
  • Please see me if you have any questions or concerns!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday 10/12

Things to do for the sub:

  • Finish mounting your Black Square Problems. All are to be finished and mounted for a critique on Monday. Boards should measure 14.5x14.5 inches. Designs should be 5x5@150dpi.
  • Double-check your write-ups to see if there is a concept from your pink sheet (cropping, frame of reference, overlapping +/- space, etc.) and a concept from the Elements & Principles Slideshow. Type and mount your write-up for each concept on the back of your design board. (Like in the 5x5 Designs) Write-up sheets available if needed.
  • When finished, work on the "I am" or "Bullying" posters. Set your document to "Tabloid" preset size in Photoshop.
  • You other option is to go on or another tutorial site, and teach yourself something fabulous. Then print a copy of your finished result, and write a paragraph that sums up the steps of the tutorial and its website.

Everybody should be doing something, no one should be doing nothing :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Think U Better Call Tyrone...

...The Coolest Rooster Ever!

Tyrone is the best because he showed us the different navigational features in Photoshop.
Think he was great?
Wait until you meet Tammy the Tile tomorrow!
She's going to show us some pixel manipulation tricks!

Other things you need to keep in mind for tomorrow:
  • Tammy the Tile is a longer tutorial.
  • After Tammy, most people will be mounting their Black Square Problem.
  • If you are not ready to mount, the Black Squares should be done (unmounted) by the end of class tomorrow (Thursday 10/11) That is the DEADLINE--Get familiar with meeting it on time!
  • You will need to put in time before or after class to stay on track if you don't finish by the end of class tomorrow. We are moving on to the Positive/Negative Space problem Friday.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Daily "E"Genda--10/9/07

Old Dogs and New Tricks!

Throughout this next unit, we will also be completing Photoshop tutorials.
This is going to be solid review for some of you, for others it will build a solid foundation of skills.
Partner up with a rookie if you are a pro--it is always amazing to see something familiar through fresh eyes.
No matter what your skill level, look to this as an opportunity to create good habits and best practices...

...Speaking of best practices, NETWORKING with industry peers is one of them.
Hope to see you tomorrow night at the Photoshop Users Group, meeting at MCAD.
Carpool with classmates if you can't get a ride.
The meeting is going to center around the use of Smart Objects and Smart Filters, which can streamline your workflow and make your life as a designer much more efficient!

Our other big goal at the moment is working on the BLACK SQUARE PROBLEM...Digging deeper into the realm of abstraction, trying to communicate the words BOLD, CONGESTED, INCREASE and PLAYFUL through the arrangement of no more and no less than FOUR BLACK SQUARES. To get your thumbnails approved, you must have a write-up sheet completed that discusses why each design you wish to execute is an effective graphic image of the word, through referencing each of the following:
  • At least one of the design terms on the directions sheet (Frame Reference, Overlapping and Cropping of Forms, Touching of Forms, Creating an Illusion of Space, Contrast of Elements in Terms of Size, Direction, Space and Position, and Positive and Negative Space Relationships)
  • At least one concept from the Elements and Principles/Composition Slide Show.

(You must do this writing even if your thumbnails were approved yesterday.)

Friday, October 5, 2007

All Good Things Come to an End!

And All Ends Create New Beginnings!

Congratulations to everyone on a highly successful batch of 5x5 Creative Designs and an OUTSTANDING job on the critique! Now that we are working in the realm of SYMBOL and ABSTRACTION, within ASSIGNED PARAMETERS, I am looking forward to taking you to the next level.

Hold on to your hats as we launch into the next unit on Monday:
Communicating a Message Through the Elements and Principles of Design

As our first unit culminated with the 5x5 Designs, the next will finish in the creation of a logo...We will learn about things like gridding and cropping (which make designs interesting and eye catching!)

Have a Great Weekend!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Deadline is Here!!!

All 5x5 Designs Due at the End of Class Today!
(Wednesday, October 3)

Make sure to follow the directions for mounting.
(One Pair and One Trio)

Complete one write-up for each design.
This makes for a total of FIVE write-ups, since you created FIVE designs! (Coincidence? I think not.)

Another Extra Credit Opportunity:
TIME: 3:00-7:30 (DINNER BREAK FROM 5:00-5:30)

Monday, October 1, 2007

All Done w/Your 5x5 Designs?

One of my catch phrases is "Everybody should be doing something, nobody should be doing nothing." If you have finished your 5 X 5 Creative designs, do the assignments listed below.
Extra Credit Opportunities:
  • Print an art image from and write a paragraph that describes at leas three ways the artist has used information from the Elements and Principles/Composition Slide Show in their work.
  • Log on to, complete a tutorial of your choice and write a paragraph that describes the following:

a) what tutorial you completed and its web address (copy & paste into your paragraph)

b) why you chose that tutorial,

c) the steps involved in completing the tutorial,

d) the easiest part of the tutorial,

e)the hardest part of the tutorial,

f)an important technique you learned from the tutorial,

g)how you would use the information in the future.

Achieve Your Goals!

A friendly reminder:
Make sure you are meeting your deadlines! Assignments are marked down 1/2 a letter grade for each day they are late! If you are not in the habit of taking this seriously, change your work pattern!

Many of you did not have all your assignments ready at the checkpoint today.
It is your responsibility to make sure things are completed on time. Refer to the last post if you are not sure what is in. Check your grades on A-H Connect or get a printout from me if you need one.

All five of your 5x5 creative designs are due at the end of class on Wednesday, October 3.
Be Ready! This assignment is worth 150 Points!
To recap, the five designs are:
  • Life and Death
  • Type Design
  • Sound Design
  • Independent Design 1
  • Independent Design 2

You can always make arrangements to come in before or after class if you are behind and need to get caught up. Another option is to check out supplies and work at home. Bottom line, you need to do what you need to do to meet deadlines!